Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Blogger Blues / Mission Term / Mexico

DRATS! I've discovered that I am one of select few who've had on-going battles with Blogger; I have had to switch my account twice, entire posts have been "lost" and this has been a consistent frustration for nearly eight months now. Sadly, my October, November, December and January posts are "gone" says Blogger. They are unable to "acquire my posts" and suggested that I "re-write as needed." The end to this saga is that I have relied on this Blogger as a vehicle of AIM reporting and information. Several readers have inquired as to "what has happened." I was (actually still am) tempted to transfer my blogs/reports to MySpace... we shall see:( Nonetheless, much as transpired since my last "lost posting" and I've much to report.

June of this year, Lord willing, eleven AIM apprentice teams will be arriving on their respective mission fields. This year God has raised up nearly 60 young disciples who are willing to go and share Jesus with those in darkness. Fields are: Juneau, Alaska; Montezuma Creek, Arizona (Indian Reservation);Gosford, Australia; Recife, Brazil; Strasbourg, France; Prato, Italy; Leon, Mexico; Napier, New Zealand; Lima, Peru; West Mains, Scotland; Capetown, South Africa. PRAISE GOD! These tender warriors will join almost 50 other AIM student currently serving around the globe.

When the AIMers returned after their Christmas/New Year's break, we began what is known as Mission Term. For the first two terms (August-December), AIMers spend most of their time sitting at the feet of instructors being feed God's word. Additionally, we teach short courses in areas such as public speaking, one-on-one studies, teaching children, writing newsletters, etc. They also participate and eventually lead small group (same gender) Bible studies. However, in Mission Term, the greater focus is to prepare them as mission teams; thus classroom instruction is pulled back to only 25 hours per week and they begin "practicing" being a team and implementing the knowledge they've received from all the classes.

During the initial weeks of mission term, we "take away" several privileges with the purpose of helping students to learn how to cope with life on the mission field. For at least a month, AIMers are NOT allowed to 1) eat fast food and/or in restaurants, 2) view TV, movies or computer entertainment and 3) or drive (public transportation or walking only). These three areas truly challenge our students... This is a generation enamored with the computer (IM, MySpace, etc.) and it is very difficult to be disciplined to manage time and desire. They quickly learn how much time and space one has when the TV/game factor is removed from their lives. They even begin to appreciate the "silence" and opportunity to commune with God more frequently and purposefully.

Certainly, Mission Term is much more than a few "missed" privileges. The students grow in their ability to make wise decisions and function as a vibrant, legitimate team purposed to submit themselves to the leading of missionaries. They learn to deal with conflict, differences and set their sights on their respective mission fields. We travel to Mexico City (world's second largest city) for a cultural awareness trip and simply to open the eyes of their hearts to a vast, last world. This mission term will conclude late March.

1 comment:

Zack said...

Pat- Hay buddy! I am an ex-AIMer. Ah mission term brings back lots of memories! I hope and pray everything goes well at SIBI this year for all of y'all! My thoughts and prayers are with all the AIMers and staff!